Experience ADRA with your
Pathfinder Club through one of these amazing Connection Trips coming up!

Service Scholarships now available!
We want to offer student volunteers a discount to help pay for their trip!
ADRA Connections | PRomo
Don't just take our word for it, people are talking about their own experiences on an ADRA Connections trip!
ADRA Connections Scholarships
5 things to know about ADRA Connections scholarships for those interested in serving on a trip with us!
ADRA Connections | BRAzil 2018
Travel back with us to the Amazon River to see what our volunteers did last summer in Brazil!

I went. I am changed.

“ADRA Connections means showing what mission is all about, and what helping and caring for other people is.”
- Qian
“The ADRA Connections trip was amazing! It was action-packed. Every day was different and there was always something new to learn.”
- Joshua
“I love to travel and I love new adventures that’s why I joined ADRA Connections.”
- Joanna
Share your #ADRAconnections journey with us!